Competencies of Municipalities
Frequent questions
According to the law 4442/2016 and the KYA 16228/2017 (Government Gazette B 1723/18-5-2017), the issuance of the music license is abolished. Instead, the interested party will notify its intention to use music in a special field of the shop notification application. Licences related to intellectual property legislation (e. g. AEPI) are no longer required.
Shop notification (operating license)
The clients of our office can know all the necessary actions that will be taken in advance and what documents will be needed to notify the operation of their store, without trying to decode the complex situations with supporting documents from the various public services. We are at your disposal to solve any questions and problems that concern you with the operation of your business
Notification Change (Replacement of Operating License)
The clients of our office can know all the necessary actions that will be taken in advance and what documents will be needed for the notification change in accordance with article 5 of KYA 16228/18-5-2017 (Government Gazette B 1723), without trying to decode the complex situations with supporting documents from the various public services.

We are at your disposal to solve any questions and problems that concern you with the operation of your business
1. Is a music licence required when using a radio or TV?
A music licence is only required for the use of any kind of musical instruments as well as stereo equipment and electric feeders. Simply, the use of radios and televisions is prohibited in shops of sanitary interest if it causes a disturbance to the peace and quiet of the residents. This prohibition shall be imposed by the competent police authorities in the context of their duties to preserve public order. Therefore, a licence is not required for their use.
2. The opinion of the Health Service is required each time where the music licence is renewed?
The renewal act is essentially a new licence, issued under the conditions laid down in the legislation.
3. Does music license legally works in a store if it has expired?
It shall be presumed that the operation of music is lawful in an establishment after the expiry of the licence and until a new licence is issued, provided that the person concerned submits a request for renewal at least one month before the expiry of the licence.
4. Is a public performance licence for musical compositions required to obtain a licence for the establishment and operation of an entertainment centre, since entertainment centres do not require a music licence?
The presentation of a written public performance permit is also required as a supporting document in cases where a permit is granted for any site. Therefore, this licence is a supporting document for the granting of the licence for the establishment and operation of an entertainment centre, regardless of whether a music licence is not required for them
ATHENS STR. EVELPIDON 61-63, GR 11362 [email protected]
T. +30 213 025 3173
T. +30 231 0528 154
MYKONOS [email protected]
T. +30 228 902 8602
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